Codificar Inc.
a non-profit organization with the goal of helping kids to learn programming.
We were just like you when we started—didn’t know where or how to start to learn coding. We believe that the earlier one starts learning to program, the more comfortable one will be with it. Our organization will help you get started by helping you connect with affordable instructors. These instructors are students, just like you, who embarked on learning how to program and are eager to teach others.
Ethan Cha
Started learning programming since elementary school. Participated in various programming competitions such as USACO, First LEGO League, ACSL (American Computer Science League), CMIMC (Carnegie Mellon Informatics and Mathematics Competition), Capture the Flag to name a few. Active member of Capture the Flag club in Bergen Academy. Well versed in Java, Python, C++, SQL, and GoDot. Interested in learning more about Cyber Security.
Jed Cha
Started learning programming during his middle school. Participated in programming competitions such as USACO, ACSL (American Computer Science League), and CMIMC (Carnegie Mellon Informatics and Mathematics Competition). Good knowledge in C++ and Python. Started learning programming because he wants to become a tech-savvy doctor.